United States Lighthouse Society

U.S. Lighthouse Society Submissions

1. Photo Contest for the 2019 Society Lighthouse Calendar

Categories (all photos should relate to light stations, aids to navigation, lightships, or USCG facilities)

  1. Weather (starts January 20, ends February 28)
  2. Reflection or Unusual Perspective (starts February 15, ends March 30)
  3. Sunrise / Sunset (starts March 15, ends April 30)
  4. Technology (starts April 15, ends May 30)
  5. Detail or Abstract (starts May 15, ends June 30)
  6. Landscape (starts June 18, ends August 15)
  7. Preservation Project or Special Event ( starts August 16, ends September 15)

Finalists will be chosen by a review panel for each category. Images for the printed calendar will be selected from the finalists. Each finalist will receive a free calendar. Calendars will be available for purchase in the Keeper's Locker and will be mailed in late October 2018.

Finalists for each category will be contacted upon making the final decisions.

2. Donation of Lighthouse Keeper Photos

Please use this form for donating images of lighthouse keepers and other personnel to the U.S. Lighthouse Society's Archives and Online Catalog Project.

United States Lighthouse Society